Source code for milton_maps.process_town_boundaries

"""Usage: milton_maps process_town_boundaries INPUT OUTPUT

  INPUT       path to GDB file containing assessor DB
  OUTPUT      output path to write processed Assessor DB as a pickled dataframe
import json
import logging
import sys

import click
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon

[docs]def process_town_boundaries(input_path, output_path): """""" towns = gpd.read_file(input_path) f"There are {towns.TOWN_ID.nunique()} unique towns in the dataset, but the dataframe has shape {towns.shape}, so there are multiple rows per town" ) # The raw dataset contains one row for each disconnected region of a town. For our purposes, we want to merge these into a single multipolygon per town town_boundaries_series = towns.groupby("TOWN_ID")["geometry"].agg( lambda x: MultiPolygon(list(x)) ) town_attributes = ( towns.set_index("TOWN_ID") .loc[:, towns.groupby("TOWN_ID").nunique().max() == 1] .drop_duplicates() ) # There are 351 towns in Massachusetts. Validate the data against this fact. assert town_attributes.shape[0] == 351 # Join multipolygon boundaries to attribute dataframe town_boundaries = ( gpd.GeoDataFrame(town_boundaries_series) .merge(town_attributes, left_index=True, right_index=True) .set_crs( ) town_boundaries["SHAPE_AREA"] = town_boundaries["geometry"].area # Square Meters town_boundaries["ACRES"] = ( town_boundaries["SHAPE_AREA"] / 4046.86 ) # Square meters per acre town_boundaries["SQUARE_MIL"] = ( town_boundaries["SHAPE_AREA"] / 2.59e6 ) # Square meters per square mile # Sanity checks # 1. Check that "TOWN" has not been dropped # (it should be a uniquely associated with TOWN_ID) and save the # TOWN_ID=>TOWN mapping assert "TOWN" in town_boundaries.columns # 2. The Multipolygon's areas should very closely match the sum of shapefile areas over each TOWN_ID direct_sum_old_areas = towns.groupby("TOWN_ID")["SHAPE_AREA"].sum() assert (town_boundaries["SHAPE_AREA"] - direct_sum_old_areas).divide( direct_sum_old_areas ).max() < 1e-9 # 3. We should have one row per town and 19 columns assert town_boundaries.shape == (351, 19) # Save consolidated shapefile town_boundaries.to_file(output_path, driver="ESRI Shapefile") # Save town_id => town name mapping for downstream use. Note json format converts integer keys to strings. with open("data/processed/town_ids.json", "w") as f: json.dump(town_boundaries["TOWN"].to_dict(), f)
@click.command() @click.argument("input_path") @click.argument("output_path") def main(input_path, output_path): """Console script for processing assessor DB""" if input_path[-3:].lower() != "shp": raise ValueError(f"Input file must be a SHP file, got {input_path}") output_file = output_path if output_path[-3:].lower() != "zip": output_file += "zip" process_town_boundaries(input_path, output_file) if __name__ == "__main__": argv = sys.argv sys.exit(main(argv)) # pragma: no cover