Source code for milton_maps.process_openspace

"""Usage: milton_maps process_openspace INPUT OUTPUT

  INPUT       path to SHP file containing assessor DB in layer LAYER
  OUTPUT      output path to write processed Assessor DB as a pickled dataframe
import sys

import click
import geopandas as gpd

import milton_maps as mm

[docs]def process_openspace(input_path, output_path): openspace = gpd.read_file(input_path) # Manager is only populated when it differs from owner. Backfill to make field human-readable openspace["MANAGER"] = openspace["FEE_OWNER"].fillna(openspace["MANAGER"]) # Replace codes with human-readable fields openspace["PUB_ACCESS"] = openspace["PUB_ACCESS"].map(mm.PUBLIC_ACCESS_CODES) openspace["PRIM_PURP"] = openspace["PRIM_PURP"].map(mm.PRIMARY_PURPOSE_CODES) openspace["LEV_PROT"] = openspace["LEV_PROT"].map(mm.LEVEL_OF_PROTECTION_CODES) openspace.to_file(output_path, driver="ESRI Shapefile")
@click.command() @click.argument("input_path") @click.argument("output_path") def main(input_path, output_path): """Console script for processing assessor DB""" if input_path[-3:].lower() != "shp": raise ValueError(f"Input file must be a SHP file, got {input_path}") output_file = output_path if output_path[-7:].lower() != "": output_file += "" process_openspace(input_path, output_file) if __name__ == "__main__": argv = sys.argv sys.exit(main(argv)) # pragma: no cover